Experienced Economics Tuition Teacher
Experienced Economics Tuition Teacher
Choosing the right Economics tuition teacher
What are the 7 most important criteria to look for in an Economics tutor?
1. Qualifications and competence in teaching Economics
A good Economics tuition teacher has a solid education. They have themselves gone through rigorous coursework and original research, and had acquired field experience, where they had opportunities to demonstrate their mastery of – and ability to apply – the subject material that they have covered throughout their Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD. They have accumulated materials and study tips that they will now teach you. They are able to show you exciting discoveries and exam-related knowledge during Economics tuition lessons.
2. Familiarity with the latest MOE syllabus and exam requirements/marking scheme
The best educators aren’t just interested in teaching – they also have an infectious passion for Economics, which is reflected in their enthusiasm and engagement as Economics tuition teachers. Education is an intensely collaborative field by nature, involving constant interplay between students, teachers, family members and tuition teachers – all of whom want the student to do better in Economics. Our tutors deliver invaluable insights, reminding their students of the real-world challenges they will be facing when learning new information and when answering complicated exam application questions using the current MOE syllabus. The latest exam marking scheme rewards students with superior critical thinking skills that extract relevant data, analyze possible outcomes, and coherently present the information within tight time constraints.
3. Quality experience in teaching students of similar levels
As seasoned educators who each have between 2 to over 30 years of Economics tuition teaching experience, our tutors had taught an extraordinarily wide range of students. Tuition In Singapore will show you profiles of tutors who have taught similar academic levels (eg Sec 3 or JC2 etc), as well as competence levels (eg weak G3 mastery or consistent A-scoring IP student) as the student, so that the Economics tutor can teach appropriate content and beneficial study methods starting from the first lesson.
4. Ability to provide additional learning resources for Economics
With years of successful experience in teaching students from a variety of schools, professional Economics tuition teachers from Tuition In Singapore can identify which are the most useful materials that their Economics students must currently use, based on their prevailing skills and grade aspirations. The tutor will then guide the student on the expected outcomes from practicing these worksheets/exam papers, and teach them how to construct the type of notes that are perfected by students who are able to score A’s. Our students will learn how to be innovative, think outside the box, and be able to derive novel solutions to uncommon challenges that appear in exam questions. We thoroughly familiarize our students to be prepared for a wide spectrum of question types in their exams. These methods are imperative roadmaps for how weaker or even high-scoring Economics students can achieve higher grades.
5. Devoted focus and committed guidance
Economics tuition teachers from Tuition in Singapore make efforts to understand the root issue that is causing a student to fall behind their peers, perform more poorly than they used to, or lose enthusiasm for doing well in Economics. We seek feedback, encourage honesty, provide ways for students to contact our tutors easily, and are attentive during lessons because we want to effectively diagnose and help our students overcome their unique obstacles, struggles, and challenges. Being empathetically adaptable and patiently flexible allows us to continuously evaluate what is working for our students – who might sometimes be affected by stress or indecision. When our students develop a growth mindset, they will be convinced that challenges and obstacles in Economics are not insurmountable nor overwhelming.
6. Ability to spot weaknesses quickly
Our students come from diverse backgrounds and have different skill sets and challenges. They also have heavy workloads from school for Economics and the other subjects that they are taking. Our tutors have sterling credentials and knowledge that can help their students overcome weak skills, refine strong ones or develop new abilities. Students’ needs change over time. With clear communication, we productively learn about our students, how they evaluate and remember information, and what challenges or motivates them most. We have robust problem-solving skills to address a wide range of impediments to learning, while keeping them organized, engaged, and on-task.
7. Substantial track record of helping their students achieve exam success
Economics tuition teachers from Tuition In Singapore have thorough, extensive and in-depth knowledge of the latest MOE syllabus. We have grown to be Singapore’s Number 1 Economics tuition agency because of our effective tutoring methods and our consistent ability to attract Singapore’s best Economics tutors to join our team. Over 70% of our clients are repeats or referrals. Because we always deliver excellent results. Since 2010.
Get the best deals when hiring an Economics tuition teacher
Three easy ways to ensure successful grade improvement:
Reduce tutoring requirements
The availability of tutors and their qualifications affect tuition costs.
The more requirements you have, the harder it is to find a tutor who will respond to your assignment.
The usual specifications include things like gender, a mix of subjects, a budget, a schedule, etc.
You should shortlist the requirements that are most crucial to you.
For instance, if you only want female tuition teachers, your options are cut in half.
It is also a good idea to hire two different tutors to teach two distinct subjects, even if they themselves scored As in both of the subjects you require tuition for.
This is because most tuition teachers are really skilled at teaching just one subject.
Major national exams
Higher hourly fees are often quoted by tutors who specialize in or have extensive experience teaching students preparing for the high-stakes PSLE, SEC, GCE O Levels, and GCE A Levels.
This is because there has to be a lot of work put into exam preparation, material revision, and, if necessary, getting the student to unlearn study habits that have been resulting in poor grades in past years.
Good tutors typically avoid teaching graduating-year students after the March holidays since they will need to rush and intensely cram a lot of material within a short period of time in order to appropriately prepare the student.
Parents therefore prefer to choose a dependable Economics tuition teacher at least a year before the important National Examinations.
We encourage our clients to be realistic with the tuition budget that they would like to work within.
The hourly tuition rates are neither regulated nor changed by Tuition In Singapore.
Tutors with proven track records that consistently deliver A grades, tuition teachers with many years of experience, and MOE teachers are already accepting assignments within a certain hourly rate.
These tutors are unlikely to accept prices that are lower their existing rates due to the constant high demand for their services and waiting lists.
Difficult exam questions - why it's happening
More and more students are able to correctly answer increasingly harder questions year after year.
You are likely to have come across questions that were much easier in the Ten Year Series than what students from other top schools are required to answer in their exams in recent months.
Because so many students are able to answer challenging questions, the creators of exams at schools/SEAB/MOE are forced to include increasingly more difficult questions in order to distinguish between the top and the average students in each cohort.
As a result, when it is your turn to take the exam, the questions will be substantially harder.
In a way, it’s a vicious circle.
Parents want to hire qualified private tutors to better prepare their children to compete against their peers since everyone is concerned that the exam questions will be more complex when it is their turn to take the exam. The students work harder in class and during tuition, and succeed in getting good grades.
Because the students were so well-prepared and achieve good results for the exams, the exam papers and results are then scrutinized.
After the exam papers and results are analyzed, it is determined that the questions are too simple because the students were so well-prepared and, on the whole, received decent grades as a result of hiring competent home tutors.
This then makes it necessary that the questions for the following year be increasingly harder in order for the exams to be able to distinguish who should get A’s or B’s.
And this makes it much more important for parents to hire effective private tutors in order for their children to catch up sufficiently.
Parents will do all in their power (as loving parents) to give their children that competitive edge because the goal is to do better than the other person rather than just to obtain a specific grade.
Also, it’s not just about keeping up with other students with better grades, but also to make sure their children don’t feel “stupid’’ or “left out’’ and end up really hating the subject just because others are so good at it.
For many students, the most effective confidence builders are good grades.
Get a private teacher who can focus on your child’s areas of weakness.
Encourage your child not to fall behind. It’s is crucial for their future.
Hire the best Economics tuition teachers to swiftly improve your grades. Guaranteed.
Over 70% of our clients are repeats (for different subjects/levels/children) or referrals. Because we always deliver excellent results. Since 2010.
Engage the best Economics Tutors - The Tuition In Singapore Leadership Team

Olivia Chan
Academic Director,
Tuition In Singapore
King’s College,
Cambridge University (Mathematical Sciences/Applied Mathematics, PhD)
Edward Chong
Head of Math & The Sciences,
Tuition In Singapore
National University of Singapore,
(Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics)
Stephanie Lim
Head of Languages & The Humanities, Tuition In Singapore
Nanyang Technological University-National Institute of Education
Ng Tian Yi
Director of Administration,
Tuition In Singapore
Singapore Management University,
Master of Business Administration
Learn effective study techniques
Our Economics tuition teachers are familiar with the most recent MOE syllabus, current exam requirements and latest marking schemes. Each tutoring session is customized to fit your learning preferences, homework objectives, and desired exam grades.
Optimum tutor matches
We will present Economics tuition teacher profiles to you only when they have a strong track record of helping their students’ grades improve by 10 to 30 marks.
Accurate matches for Economics tuition
The experienced full-time tuition coordinators who are in charge of your Economics tuition assignment hold Bachelor’s degrees from the best local universities and had attended good schools themselves. They majored in the same subject that you are seeking tuition in. Their team leaders are former MOE teachers.
Tuition In Singapore is therefore able to meticulously look for the qualities that a competent Economics tuition teacher must possess, in order for us to consider shortlisting him/her for your Economics tutoring assignment.

You can perform better than your competitors after effective Economics tuition teachers guide you in the correct exam techniques and study skills

Compete against your classmates/cohort - and win
We live in a hyper-competitive world. Even if you don’t want to proactively compete, others do.
And the truth remains that you are in competition against a large number of students from your school and from other schools for the same desirable courses and spots at universities.
Demand will always outpace supply for the top (or better) academic institutions, classes, and courses.
Students with average grades sometimes have to enroll in less prestigious universities and majors.
Being in certain academic tracks often determines one’s career choices and opportunities, which in turn eventually affects the types of lifestyles we are able to lead.
Every year, students rely on Tuition In Singapore because we help them, their siblings, and their friends get better grades.
What sets us apart from other tutor services is our ability to carefully and professionally match you with the experienced Economics tuition teacher who can guide you to obtaining an A.
Best private tutors in Singapore - our friendly coordinators are looking forward to hearing from you!
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