Good Chinese Tuition Singapore
Good Chinese Tuition Singapore
1. Attentive guidance that is exclusively focused on your academic needs
With a Tuition In Singapore Chinese tutor, you will have personalized Chinese lessons that are purposefully structured so that your grades can improve in time for the major exams to assuredly score an A. Your Chinese tuition teacher has between 2 to over 30 years of Chinese teaching or tutoring experience. This expert will patiently explain each of the areas that you are puzzled about, so that you gain enough clarity in order to be able to link all of the language skills and content. This is vital, because most of the exam questions now require strong application skills. If you are not able to link what you have learned and apply the information to real-life problems, you will lose valuable marks and score only borderline passes.
2. Use up-to-date Chinese resources
To do well in Chinese, you are expected to assimilate and recall a large amount of linguistic content that is taught across topics that include
Vocabulary Selection (选词填空)
Model Vocabulary (范文词汇)
Word Recognition (填写汉字)
Sentence Construction (造句)
Fill in the Blanks (综合填空)
Personal Email (私人电邮)
Formal Email (公务电邮)
Narrative Essay (记叙文)
Critical Response Essay (材料作文)
Argumentative Essay (论说文)
Reading Aloud (朗读短文)
Reading Aloud (朗读篇章)
Spoken Interaction (看录像会话)
Spoken Interaction (会话)
Listening Mock Practice (听力模拟训练)
Comprehension 1 (multiple-choice questions) 阅读理解一 (选择题)
Comprehension 2 (short-answer questions) 阅读理解二 (问答题)
Hire a respected and reliable tutor who can thoroughly explain all required and interlinked MOE-SEAB Chinese skills and content using summary sheets, mind maps and practice exercises, so that you are armed with the correct knowledge and answering techniques before you enter the exam hall.
3. Chinese can be easy to score in
Just as there are students struggling in Chinese, there also are students who manage to score A’s. Some of these A-scoring students might have a natural flair in languages. Most of them are likely to have found excellent Chinese tuition teachers who mentored them to success. We are quite sure that many of the students who scored distinctions at their PSLE, SEC/O Levels, A Levels and IBDP had hired Chinese tuition teachers from Tuition In Singapore.
4. Optional passion for Chinese
Whether or not you want to develop a genuine interest in Chinese and turn it into a life-long hobby, you need to do well in Chinese exams first. To get that A (or B), you first need to have an academic mentor who has scored an A at their own national exams, majored in Chinese/closely-related Chinese subject, and has a solid track record of helping their students succeed. Tuition In Singapore has 10,700+ home tutors who specialize in teaching only Chinese. We have all the expert resources and resource persons you need in order to score your A (now, you see why you don’t have to aim for a B).
5. Aim for an A for Chinese
Whether you want a career in medicine, dentistry, life sciences, engineering or in business, banking, manufacturing or public policy, scoring an A for as many subjects as possible is completely necessary. Chinese forms a part of the aggregate score you need to progress toward your career and lifestyle goals. Make sure you score an A.

What are the benefits of engaging Chinese home tutors through Tuition In Singapore?
Hire the best Chinese tuition teachers to swiftly improve your grades. Guaranteed.
Over 70% of our clients are repeats (for different subjects/levels/children) or referrals. Because we always deliver excellent results. Since 2010.
Good Chinese Tuition Singapore - The Tuition In Singapore Leadership Team

Olivia Chan
Academic Director,
Tuition In Singapore
King’s College,
Cambridge University (Mathematical Sciences/Applied Mathematics, PhD)
Edward Chong
Head of Math & The Sciences,
Tuition In Singapore
National University of Singapore,
(Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics)
Stephanie Lim
Head of Languages & The Humanities, Tuition In Singapore
Nanyang Technological University-National Institute of Education
Ng Tian Yi
Director of Administration,
Tuition In Singapore
Singapore Management University,
Master of Business Administration
Grades can change your future
Why is getting good Chinese tutors so important?
Chinese is certainly an important component of the subjects that we study in school.
Many of the students who need Chinese tutoring contact Tuition In Singapore because of disappointments with the scores given to them by their Chinese teacher in school.
Some of them become unmotivated because they feel that they had already put in so much effort but still don’t understand what is required of them.
They start to have low self-esteem, which then leads to lower than acceptable grades.
This vicious cycle will aggravate the poor impression that any student already has of Chinese by the time they reach out to Tuition In Singapore.
Chinese tuition teachers from Tuition In Singapore have strong academic qualifications and familiarity with the latest exam requirements.
They can give you the most technically correct explanation of the sophisticated content in your textbooks.
The lesson plan will be from your vantage point – using examples of what you already know to build on and fortify how you grasp the content from each chapter.
Learning is like going up a spiral staircase: you revisit the same angles, and as long as you are always climbing up, each time you do revisit an angle, you are at a higher level of understanding.
Whether you are already quietly competent – or not yet near anywhere proficient – our Chinese tuition teachers know the syllabus thoroughly and can help you relate to the material.
Chinese tuition teachers from Tuition In Singapore present information in an obvious, simple, clear, sequential, patient, and organized manner, and we have the talent to explain things that meet the needs of students with various learning styles and speeds, capabilities, and interest in Chinese.
We are confident in our knowledge of Chinese, application answering techniques, and how to build memory skills.
These are the reasons why 95% of our Chinese tuition students achieve at least 1 grade improvement in under just 3 months.
Underperforming tutors are excluded from our database.
You are probably reading this page because of a very positive word-of-mouth referral and review from a satisfied parent, student, or MOE teacher.
Their sense of accomplishment comes from having a strong mastery of the content taught by Chinese tuition teachers from Tuition In Singapore.
Make your goal of having an A for your Chinese a reality, starting today.
And just the fact that you’re looking to improve your Chinese grades is an auspicious sign of future success!

What are the challenges faced by Chinese students in Singapore?
Main obstacles
- Unlike English, Chinese is a tonal language, which means that the meaning of a word can change depending on the tone used to pronounce it
- There is a vast difference in vocabulary and sentence structure between English (which has a relatively simple sentence structure) and Chinese (which has a complex grammar structure that can take years to understand and master
- Chinese has over 80,000 distinct characters, compared to the English language which has only 26 letters in its alphabet
- English uses a subject-verb-object structure, while Chinese typically uses a subject-object-verb sequence. This can be disorienting for English speakers
- The Chinese language and culture are profoundly interwoven. In order to fully master Chinese, we must first understand the cultural context in which it exists. Chinese language learners therefore will need to learn about the customs, traditions, and values of Chinese society before they can fully assimilate the language and communicate effectively
- Inability to identify instructions and key content during Listening Comprehension 听力理解
- Problems understanding conversations and the observing crucial details portrayed in the Video, leading to difficulty in forming verbal opinions about the Video 口试
- Inaccurate pronunciation of words, and inexact tonal expression during Oral Communication 口试
- Struggling to find the words that describe supporting evidence, quality of content, critical thinking abilities, and points of view for Argumentative Writing 议论文
- Creative writing techniques are weak, leading to uninteresting composition storylines and email writing 写作
- Poor time management that causes the student to have insufficient time to finish all the modules adequately
- Inadequate ability to memorize words for Spelling 默写/听写,Chengyu 成语, and Yanyu 谚语,
- Limited vocabulary skills, and therefore inability to recognize and write using a bigger range of words for Composition and Comprehension
- Coming from schools and family/social settings where only English is used, and therefore having reduced opportunities to speak, read and write in Chinese
- Not being able to understand the meanings in the passages in Comprehension as well as other vital sections of the Chinese exams 阅读理解
- Difficulty in recognizing the nuances in the usage of words, and therefore being confused about how to use the correct words in the various contexts 综合填空
Good Chinese Tuition Singapore
What to expect from Tuition In Singapore's Chinese tutors
1. Choose your ideal tutor from our database of 10,700 exceptional Chinese tutors
Underachieving home tuition teachers are not included in our database. This ensures that the profiles that we recommend to you are the best of the best of all the private tutors in Singapore. The performance history of the 4 to 10 tutors whose profiles we show you matches your requirements/preferences of budget range, track record and academic credentials.
2. Experienced and professional Chinese home tuition teachers
Home tuition teachers in our tutoring team have between 2 to over 30 years of successful tutoring experience. Our private tutors are MOE teachers, and/or have PhD/Master’s Bachelor’s/are experienced undergraduates in the subject(s) they are conducting tuition in. They help students to visualize concepts better, and to increase their proficiency in the rigorous material that they learn in secondary school, or in junior college.
3. Committed and expert tutoring to guide you to your desired grades
Students learn best when they know that a dependable expert is mentoring them. You can now learn at your own pace – instead of having to catch up or wait for your classmates in school – to learn about content that vexes even the most conscientious Chinese student. With one-to-one private tuition, your Chinese tutor will identify the areas that need reinforcement or greater clarity. Gaining marks can now become a reality. Exam after exam.
4. Easy and practical methods of remembering large amount of content for your Chinese exams
Your Chinese tuition teacher has taken the exams you are now taking in your PSLE/SEC/O Levels/A Levels. They managed to score their A’s because they figured out the best studying, analytical, memorising, and answering techniques that the exam markers would approve of. Tuition In Singapore accepts tutor applications for your assignment only if that tutor had majored in the subject that they are teaching you. This means that their prowess in taking Chinese exams extends to when they took exams across an entire array of modules even at university level. And they will teach you the secrets of how they succeeded so well in their Chinese.
5. Clear and simple explanations of complicated concepts
Ever envied any classmate who is doing better than you? They are not likely to teach you how they did it. But your home tutor from Tuition In Singapore will. Our ability to deliver quality explanations and step-by-step guidelines of answers that are compliant with the latest MOE-SEAB marking scheme secures your fruitful ability to acquire essential knowledge, remember relevant information, and carefully revise for important exams.
6. Get accepted into the coveted university and major. Achieve your academic and career goals
Each of our credible and responsible private tuition teachers have have guided 95% of our Chinese students to achieve at least 1 grade improvement in under just 3 months.
85% of our students had consistently maintained gains of over 15 marks, no matter where their starting points were.
The route to productive preparation for your Chinese exams is now easily accessible.
7. Customized learning programme that targets your learning style and needs
All of us learn differently. When your private tutor personalizes your learning plan according to your strengths, challenges and motivations, the time that you spend learning that difficult topic is optimized. You can also dedicate time to revisit baffling concepts, or move on to discussions on advanced themes with your knowledgeable private tutor.
8. Learn in the convenience of your own home
Weekday and weekend schedules are always hectic, and all of us long for some me-time. Having private tuition at home saves you a lot of time. Your home tutor can give you exclusive focus on the latest academic issues you have just encountered, so that you can complete your homework and projects on time. Once the tuition session is over, you have at least 1.5 hours extra (the time saved from traveling to and from a tuition centre nearby/far away) to rest your mind.
9. Practice
You want to train yourself to answer as many question types as possible. When you are at the bookstore, you flip through the “model answers”. Whether you have advanced mastery or fundamental knowledge of the subject, some of the answers look ambiguous, vague, and possibly disputable. It is much safer to be guided by an acknowledged expert who has multi-year experience in proficiently teaching (real) students from other secondary schools or junior colleges. Many of their current or former students are likely to be at the same competency level as you, and these specialized home tutors have strong track records of steering their students toward higher grades.
Every year, students rely on Tuition In Singapore because we help them, their siblings, and their friends get better grades.
What sets us apart from other tutor services is our ability to carefully and professionally match you with the Chinese tuition teacher who can guide you to obtaining an A.
Best private tutors in Singapore - our friendly coordinators are looking forward to hearing from you!
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