Improve A Level grades
Improve A Level grades
The most common challenges faced by A Level students in Singapore:
- Feeling defeated by the amount of perplexing content to understand and remember productively and efficiently
- Balancing both social and academic aspects of life
- Keeping up with the fast pace of lessons in school
- Performing laboratory experiments to achieve true value, manipulate variables, or collect data
- Scoring well for practical components
- Juggling energy and interest in CCA, building a portfolio, and studying
- Anxiety about potential A Level results, which will in turn affect their future prospects
- Confusion and uncertainty over when to use the appropriate rule, concept, or formula when answering unfamiliar questions
- Poor time management, causing large chunks of the exam paper to be unfinished
- Brain fog/mental block when faced with a stressful exam question
- Weak organization of arguments and reasoning, leading to unconvincing and off-topic essays
- Exam-taking skills are not as good as classmates, who keep getting more A’s than everyone else
- Making common/careless mistakes
- Application-based learning and problem-solving techniques are heavily emphasized in junior college instead of rote-learning

What are the benefits of engaging A Level home tutors through Tuition in Singapore?
1. Professional assistance with school assignments and the latest syllabus
For many A Level students, keeping up with the fast pace of lessons in junior college is distressing. Frequently, they are forced to move to the next topic before they can understand what had just been taught. The accomplished home tutor from Tuition In Singapore can remove misconceptions and explain complicated content, when fortifying the student’s foundation or advanced familiarity in every chapter. Experienced A Level tutors can guide their students through the application questions and common mistakes that students typically encounter.
2. Increased exposure to authoritative content and question types for A Level subjects
Writing additional information in your responses to the exam questions is useful only if the information is completely relevant to the tasks that the question requires you to elaborate on. Top A Level tutors from Tuition In Singapore have between 2 to over 30 years of successful A Level tutoring experience. Their profiles are shown to you only if they have proven track records of helping students’ grades progress. We will prepare you for standard and unprecedented questions that appear in every A Level exam. Through patient explanations and rigorous practice of important items in the syllabus by having the best A Level tuition in Singapore, your grades will measurably and consistently improve.
3. Full and complete preparation for A Level examinations
Having 1-to-1 A Level tuition can help you work on your weaker areas, while reinforcing and supplementing the concepts that you are already strong in. A realistic revision schedule will be planned together with you. Start studying as soon as possible to give you ample time to review the material. We will help you structure your time, set priorities, and allocate enough time to each chapter. You are more likely to remember and understand the material when you actively engaging with it. Active learning techniques such as summarizing, note-taking and teaching others/your A Level tutor, are more effective than passive learning techniques like re-reading and highlighting. A well-structured study plan can reduce stress and increase confidence on exam day.
Hire the best A Level tuition teachers to swiftly improve your grades. Guaranteed.
Over 70% of our clients are repeats (for different subjects/levels/children) or referrals. Because we always deliver excellent results. Since 2010.
Improve A Level Grades - The Tuition In Singapore Leadership Team

Olivia Chan
Academic Director,
Tuition In Singapore
King’s College,
Cambridge University (Mathematical Sciences/Applied Mathematics, PhD)
Edward Chong
Head of Math & The Sciences,
Tuition In Singapore
National University of Singapore,
(Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics)
Stephanie Lim
Head of Languages & The Humanities, Tuition In Singapore
Nanyang Technological University-National Institute of Education
Ng Tian Yi
Director of Administration,
Tuition In Singapore
Singapore Management University,
Master of Business Administration
Making well-informed decisions: why is getting A Level tutors so important?
Consolidated comments and feedback from students attending junior colleges across Singapore:
Junior College (JC) education is often seen as the traditional and direct pathway towards university. It has a reputation for being rigorous and demanding, with all students striving to achieve the best possible results in their A Level examinations.
What they do not expect (even when their siblings, cousins or seniors repeatedly tell them) is that the time spent in junior college might be the most difficult 2 years in their lives.
Unlike in secondary school where spoon-feeding was the norm, JC requires a lot of self-study.
When any student has any misconceptions or cannot understand what was taught in the most recent lecture, the work will quickly snowball – resulting in an endless game of catch-up.
And obtaining a C grade for a subject in JC is sometimes considered an achievement in itself.
Students who had done well throughout secondary school are shocked when the receive U (ungraded) or S (sub-pass) in their report cards.
Their confidence levels hit rock bottom, they feel like failures, and they wonder how they will ever do well enough in the A Level exams in order to qualify for university.
Combined with the pressures of being a young adult, the anxiety levels of many junior college students pretty much skyrocketed, and their confidence reached an all-time low in the first year of JC.
In junior college, life (and lectures) whiz past at 1.5 times the typical passage of time.
It is not surprising that most junior college students feel this way, because of the sheer amount of content that is being covered during lectures in school and during JC tutorials.
Not only are lessons faster paced and students are expected to take charge of their own learning, everything seems to go by too fast for students’ minds to process.
The days are long, and the weeks are short.
Occasionally, a single day (or every single day) may seem really difficult to get through.
Then, an entire week flies by, and you find yourself looking back disbelievingly at all the time that has slipped away.
Two years whiz past and before you realize, everyone is getting ready for award ceremonies, prom nights, watching their montages containing fond memories of their two years in JC, bitter-sweet nostalgia about the good times they had in junior college.
And then the frenzied preparation for the A Levels will start. With trepidation.
JC life is exciting.
It is meant to be two of the best years of your life.
None of us would want to look back upon these two years and remember only the struggle and stress of mugging for exams and the A Levels.
The grim reality is that everyone in junior college starts to put more emphasis on grades during this period than they had ever before – the stakes are high, because all of us want to get into the university and major of our choice.
As the Integrated Programme (IP) syllabus bypasses the O Levels, IP students get a head start on the A Level preparations because their teachers prepare them with the necessary skills and content much earlier.
Some O Level graduates feel disadvantaged, because they are in unfamiliar physical premises, have to start new friendships with students from other schools, and have less time to get used to the rigour of the system.
They find themselves at the wrong end of the bell-curve, because they are fighting with the cream of the crop.
A segment of these students start to feel that hard work in junior college does not guarantee success.
There are always others who have additional resources, more discipline, better luck, secret methods to give answers that will help them score close to full marks at each exam.
Tuition In Singapore has over 10,200 accomplished and qualified tutors who specialize in only A Level tuition.
In all probability, the results of the students you are now envying are the ones who are being taught by tutors from Tuition Singapore.
Contact us, and experience the joys of achieving consistent A’s in junior college and at your A Levels.
A Level tuition
- GCE A Level Physics Tuition
- GCE A Level Biology Tuition
- GCE A Level Chemistry Tuition
- GCE A Level Mathematics Tuition
- GCE A Level Economics Tuition
- GCE A Level History Tuition
- GCE A Level Geography Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Physics Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Biology Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Chemistry Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Mathematics Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Economics Tuition
- Junior College JC1 History Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Geography Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Physics Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Biology Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Chemistry Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Mathematics Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Economics Tuition
- Junior College JC2 History Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Geography Tuition
- GCE A Level General Paper Tuition
- GCE A Level English Language & Linguistics Tuition
- GCE A Level Literature Tuition
- GCE A Level Chinese Tuition
- GCE A Level Malay Tuition
- GCE A Level Tamil Tuition
- Junior College JC1 General Paper Tuition
- Junior College JC1 English Language & Linguistics Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Literature Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Chinese Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Malay Tuition
- Junior College JC1 Tamil Tuition
- Junior College JC2 General Paper Tuition
- Junior College JC2 English Language & Linguistics Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Literature Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Chinese Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Malay Tuition
- Junior College JC2 Tamil Tuition
A Level Tuition Singapore
What to expect from Tuition In Singapore's A Level tutors
1. Choose your ideal tutor from our database of 10,200 exceptional A Level tutors
Underachieving home tuition teachers are not included in our database. This ensures that the profiles that we recommend to you are the best of the best of all the private tutors in Singapore. The performance history of the 4 to 10 tutors whose profiles we show you matches your requirements/preferences of budget range, track record and academic credentials.
2. Experienced and professional A Level home tuition teachers
Home tuition teachers in our tutoring team have between 2 to over 30 years of successful tutoring experience. Our private tutors are MOE teachers, and/or have PhD/Master’s Bachelor’s/are experienced undergraduates in the subject(s) they are conducting tuition in. They help students to visualize concepts better, and to increase their proficiency in the rigorous material that they learn in junior college.
3. Committed and expert tutoring to guide you to your desired grades
Students learn best when they know that a dependable expert is mentoring them. You can now learn at your own pace – instead of having to catch up or wait for your classmates in school – to learn about content that vexes even the most conscientious A Level student. With one-to-one private tuition, your A Level tutor will identify the areas that need reinforcement or greater clarity. Gaining marks can now become a reality. Exam after exam.
4. Easy and practical methods of remembering large amount of content for your A Levels
Your A Level tuition teacher has taken the exams you are now taking in junior college. They managed to score their A’s because they figured out the best studying, analytical, memorising, and answering techniques that the exam markers would approve of. Tuition In Singapore accepts tutor applications for your assignment only if that tutor had majored in the subject that they are teaching you. This means that their prowess in taking A Level exams extends to when they took exams across an entire array of modules even at university level. And they will teach you the secrets of how they succeeded so well in their A Levels and at university.
5. Clear and simple explanations of complicated concepts
Ever envied any classmate who is doing better than you? They are not likely to teach you how they did it. But your home tutor from Tuition In Singapore will. Our ability to deliver quality explanations and step-by-step guidelines of answers that are compliant with the latest MOE-SEAB marking scheme secures your fruitful ability to acquire essential knowledge, remember relevant information, and carefully revise for important exams.
6. Get accepted into the coveted university and major. Achieve your academic and career goals
Each of our credible and responsible private tuition teachers have have guided 95% of our A Level students to achieve at least 1 grade improvement in under just 3 months.
85% of our students had consistently maintained gains of over 15 marks, no matter where their starting points were.
The route to productive preparation for your exams and the A Levels is now easily accessible.
7. Customized learning programme that targets your learning style and needs
All of us learn differently. When your private tutor personalizes your learning plan according to your strengths, challenges and motivations, the time that you spend learning that difficult topic is optimized. You can also dedicate time to revisit baffling concepts, or move on to discussions on advanced themes with your knowledgeable private tutor.
8. Learn in the convenience of your own home
Weekday and weekend schedules are always hectic, and all of us long for some me-time. Having private tuition at home saves you a lot of time. Your home tutor can give you exclusive focus on the latest academic issues you have just encountered, so that you can complete your homework and projects on time. Once the tuition session is over, you have at least 1.5 hours extra (the time saved from traveling to and from a tuition centre nearby/far away) to rest your mind.
9. Practice
You want to train yourself to answer as many question types as possible. When you are at the bookstore, you flip through the “model answers”. Whether you have advanced mastery or fundamental knowledge of the subject, some of the answers look ambiguous, vague, and possibly disputable. It is much safer to be guided by an acknowledged expert who has multi-year experience in proficiently teaching (real) students from other junior colleges. Many of their current or former students are likely to be at the same competency level as you, and these specialized home tutors have strong track records of steering their students toward higher grades.
Every year, students rely on Tuition In Singapore because we help them, their siblings, and their friends get better grades.
What sets us apart from other tutor services is our ability to carefully and professionally match you with the A Level tuition teacher who can guide you to obtaining an A.
Best private tutors in Singapore - our friendly coordinators are looking forward to hearing from you!
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