Profiles of Geography tuition teachers
Profiles of Geography tuition teachers
Choose from over 3,100 experienced and qualified home tutors that specialize in teaching only Geography, using results-focused teaching methods
Qualified | Experienced in delivering excellent grades | Clear explanations | Practical exam skills
Geography tuition teacher
Ms BA has 13 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography (Environmental Earth Systems) – First Class Honours. Her private tuition students attended Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Pasir Ris Secondary School, Boon Lay Secondary School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Geography tuition teacher
Ms CLP has 9 years of Geography tuition experience. She taught at a tuition centre for 2 years and is also a private tutor. Ms CLP has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Structural Geology). Her home tuition students attended Maris Stella High School, Crescent Girls’ School, Junyuan Secondary School, Eunoia Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and National Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Mr DM has 11 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a PhD in Geography (Environmental Science) from Cambridge University. His home tuition students attended Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Bowen Secondary School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Raffles Institution, and St. Andrew’s Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Mr WFM has 12 years of Geography tuition experience. He was a contract teacher at 3 MOE schools for 5 years and also is a private tutor. Mr WFM has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Isotope Geochemistry). His private tuition students attended Anglican High School, Beatty Secondary School, Geylang Methodist School (Secondary), Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), Jurong Pioneer Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Ms TTP has 10 years of Geography tuition experience. She taught at a leading tuition centre for 4 years and is also a home tutor. Ms TTP LMW has a Master’s and a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS. Her private tuition students attended Bowen Secondary School, Changkat Changi Secondary School, Nanyang Girls’ High School, Catholic Junior College, River Valley High School, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Ms KG has 14 years of Geography tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 9 years. Ms KG has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography and Urban Planning (Honours). Her private tuition students attended Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Mayflower Secondary School, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, National Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Ms NNL has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. She taught at two tuition centres for 4 years and is also a home tutor. Ms NNL has a Master’s and a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS. Her private tuition students attended Bowen Secondary School, Changkat Changi Secondary School, Nanyang Girls’ High School, Catholic Junior College, River Valley High School, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Msr LMW has 8 years of Geography tuition experience. He taught at two tuition centres for 5 years and is also a home tutor. Mr LMW has a Master’s and a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS. His private tuition students attended Bowen Secondary School, Changkat Changi Secondary School, Nanyang Girls’ High School, Catholic Junior College, River Valley High School, and Tampines Meridian Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Mr GA has 11 years of Geography tuition experience. He is NIE-trained and taught at MOE schools for 6 years. Mr GA has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography and Urban Planning (Honours). His private tuition students attended Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Mayflower Secondary School, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, Anderson Serangoon Junior College, National Junior College, and Victoria Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Mr TF has 9 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s from NTU, majoring in Geography (Environmental Earth System Science). His private tuition students attended Maris Stella High School, Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary), Nan Hua High School, Catholic Junior College, Temasek Junior College, and Hwa Chong Institution.
Geography tuition teacher
Ms AM has 13 years of Geography tuition experience. She has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography (Society and Culture). Ms AM’s private tuition students attended Raffles Institution, North Vista Secondary School, CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh), National Junior College, Yishun Innova Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Geography tuition teacher
Mr BM has 8 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a PhD in Geography from the University of Bristol. His Bachelor’s in Geography was from NUS (First Class Honours). Mr BM’s home tuition students attended Hwa Chong Institution (Integrated Programme), CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), National Junior College, River Valley High School, and Victoria Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Mr WTY has 19 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS (Honours). Mr WTY taught at a tuition centre for 4 years and is also a private tutor. His home tuition students attended Pei Hwa Secondary School, Naval Base Secondary School, Maris Stella High School, Catholic Junior College, Tampines Meridian Junior College, and Dunman High School.
Geography tuition teacher
Ms TH has 7 years of Geography tuition experience. She is NIE-trained and has a Bachelor’s from NUS, majoring in Geography. Ms TH’s private tuition students attended Dunearn Secondary School, Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Nan Hua High School, Nanyang Junior College, Dunman High School, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Geography tuition teacher
Mr SLM has 12 years of Geography tuition experience. He has a Master’s and Bachelor’s in Geography from NUS and was a contract teacher at MOE schools for 3 years. Mr SLM is the Head of Department for Humanities at a leading group of tuition centres. Mr SLM’s private tuition students attended Bukit View Secondary School, CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent, Maris Stella High School, Eunoia Junior College, National Junior College, and Saint Andrew’s Junior College
Hire experienced, qualified Geography teachers to swiftly improve your grades. Guaranteed.
Over 70% of our clients are repeats (for different subjects/levels/children) or referrals. Because we always deliver excellent results. Since 2010.
Profiles of Geography tuition teachers - The Tuition In Singapore Leadership Team

Olivia Chan
Academic Director,
Tuition In Singapore
King’s College,
Cambridge University (Mathematical Sciences/Applied Mathematics, PhD)
Edward Chong
Head of Math & The Sciences,
Tuition In Singapore
National University of Singapore,
(Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics)
Stephanie Lim
Head of Languages & The Humanities, Tuition In Singapore
Nanyang Technological University-National Institute of Education
Ng Tian Yi
Director of Administration,
Tuition In Singapore
Singapore Management University,
Master of Business Administration
Every year, students rely on Tuition In Singapore because we help them, their siblings, and their friends get better grades.
What sets us apart from other tutor services is our ability to carefully and professionally match you with the most qualified Geography tuition teacher who can guide you to obtaining an A.
Best private tutors in Singapore - our friendly coordinators are looking forward to hearing from you!
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